How to Fill Out an Application to Receive an

Absentee Ballot for the September 10

State Primary Election

You may download and print an application here. If you don't have a printer,  contact Anne Huberman to get a copy.

Here's how to fill out each section: Begin by writing "Peterborough" at the top.






If you are already registered to vote in Peterborough at your RiverMead address, check the first box.  If you are not sure if you are registered, you may check here. If you will be out of town on election day or if you have not yet registered in Peterborough and qualify to receive absentee registration materials by mail, check the second box in Section I. The Secretary of State issued this clarification of "Public Health Considerations and Absentee Voting" that you might possibly apply to your concern about COVID-19 or other health concerns if you are truly limiting public exposure in your day-to-day life.  If you don't qualify for absentee registration, you should register in person with the Town Clerk. See further instructions about registering here.  If you need help registering to vote, please contact Mary Vallier-Kaplan.

Choose the reason that applies. You may check the fifth box, stating that "I am unable to vote in person due to a disability" if you have a disability or if you qualify under the Secretary of State's clarification of "Public Health Considerations and Absentee Voting."

Check off the box for State Primary to be held on September 10, 2024.

Turn the form over and print your last, first, and middle names.  Then print your RiverMead address including your unit #.  Leave the ward blank.  (Peterborough does not have wards.)  If you will be away and want the ballot mailed to a different address, fill that in. Otherwise leave that second address blank.  Then fill in your phone number and email address (if you have one) so that you can be contacted if there are any questions about your application.  Then sign your name and fill in the date.  Your application will be rejected if it has no signature.  (In 2018 a federal judge ruled that local election officials cannot reject absentee ballots merely because they think the voter's signature looks different than it does on an earlier affidavit, calling the process "fundamentally flawed." Town clerks no longer try to match signatures.)  If someone has helped you fill out the form, have that person sign and print his or her name in the last part of the form.

Mail your application to Linda Guyette, Town Clerk, 1 Grove St., Peterborough, NH 03458.  Be sure to mail it immediately, at least two weeks before the election.  There must be time for the Town Clerk to receive the application, process it, mail you the ballot, and receive the ballot from you before election day. There have been long postal delays recently.  If you don't have time to mail it, you can take your application to the Town Clerk's office, submit it, receive an absentee ballot, and vote.  Be sure to take a picture ID with you.

OR fax it to 603-924-8001

OR scan (no electronic signatures) and then email it to

If you are registered as a Democrat or Republican, check the correct circle to recieve a ballot for that party.  If you are registered as undeclared, decide which party's primary ballot you would like to receive, and check the correct circle.  If you are not sure how you are registered, you may check here.